John & Becky’s Movie Review of Sarah’s Key

Yesterday, Becky and I went to see the Independent film Sarah’s Key at the Regal Cinema at Greenwood Plaza on Arapahoe Road in Englewood, CO that has been at the box office for a while now.  The Fandango website at Sarah’s Key, describes the movie as follows.

 Based on Tatiana de Rosnay’s best-selling novel, Sarah’s Key tells the story of an American Journalist on the brink of making big life decisions regarding her marriage and her unborn child. What starts off as a reseach article about the Vel’d’Hiv Roundup in 1942 in France ends up as a journey toward self-discovery as she stumbles upon a terrible secret and discovers the heartbreaking story of a Jewish family forced out of their home, a home that is now their own. “

The Review 
Sarah’s Key is a powerful movie about the Holocaust and how the French treated the Jews when they knew the Nazi’s were coming into Europe.  It’s an interesting and incredibly well done film.  The viewer jumps between present day and 1942 as the main character researches the life of a young family that was removed from the home that her in-laws own.

This movie will pull at your heart strings and clearly shows what happens with evil men rise to power and good men do nothing.  It is a great story about the triumph and devastation of war and how it affects people differently.  It shows how depraved and selfish humanity can be when they only look out for their own best interest and it’s a very sad film as well.

I hope that doesn’t deter you from seeing this movie though because it is amazing!  It’s one of the best movies I’ve seen this year and Becky and I were both blown away by how good the movie really is and how fascinating they made this movie.  The acting is superb, the directing is great, there really isn’t anything bad about this movie other than the content is disturbing because it shows first hand the annihilation of the Jewish people during World War II by the Nazi regime by focusing on one family, a little girl and her brother.  Don’t miss this flick.

John – **** Don’t Miss It
Becky – **** Don’t Miss It

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John Boyd

Auto Consultant – John Boyd: The Cool Car Guy

John is an auto consultant and owner of with his license at a car dealership in Denver, Colorado. He can help you save time and money on any make or model, new or used, lease or purchase or consign your vehicle – nationwide! Call or email John about your next vehicle! or Twitter@coolcarguy

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